Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Another day in paradise. Di staying close to the toilet with the tummy bug, Penelope fainted and Ben vomited in the lagoon while snorkeling.

Sleep in for everyone and Di was still feeling rotten so we did not venture far this morning. Several waves of teenage frustration lead to the crew mobilizing late morning and Di felt OK to join us so we headed into town, first stop the Police station for me to get a drivers license. Then we wandered down to the dive shop who did have some flippers for Ben so he was very happy, they also had jandals for Pen. Ben and I waited while the girls looked in various nick nack stores, then we went down to a surf shop to get some jandals for Danielle. It was very hot and humid and everyone was getting very scratchy so we went back into town to get an icecream. There was quiet a wait for icecream, and eventually it was our turn, however while we were ordering our icecreams one at a time Pen went very pale and said she felt dizzy, her pupils dilated and I told her to sit down but she said she couldn’t see. I guided her over to a bench to lye down and her legs were not working. She lay down before she lost consciousness and made a fairly quick recovery. A combination of heat, humidity, gastroenteritis and not drinking enough lead to the second episode of heat stroke in the family I think. We got some water into her and she eventually was good enough to continue. She wasn’t even keen on the icecream, now that is sick.

Drove at break neck speed once again (40km/hr) to find a cool spot to swim and cool down. We stopped at Muri beach and everyone cooled off while I enjoyed a coffee on the deck of the Sails restaurant and supervised. Tough life we are having. Coffeed up we moved along the beach to one of the islands and the three big girls took off while Olivia, Ben and I swam out through the corral. It was like a scene off Finding Nemo with the school teacher manta ray pulling the kids along. Ben was holding one arm intermittently swimming off to the side and Olivia hanging off the other arm, also braving some free swimming intermittently. Very cute. They are really getting their confidence up. Lots of colourful fish and very clear water. We got out to the island and Ben wanted to go onto the Island and moments after reaching the shore said he felt sick and promptly vomited into the lagoon several times. The fish were very pleased and enjoyed a second hand meal of ice-cream. Swam back to the shore past some interesting coral outcrops and back down the beach to the Sails restaurant for some hot chips and drinks to warm up. Ben said he was very hungry.

Cruised home having completed a circumnavigation of the island for the first time. Sophie and I went for a run. I made Sophie navigate as she claims she cann’t run on her own as she would get lost. That had me worried she has some sort of topographic agnosia, so I decided to test her out. We successfully ran down the back road past the prison, linked through to the main road through a small one lane road then back passed the Edgewater resort and golf course and back down the correct road to home, despite me trying to introduce doubt about her decisions. About and 8km loop without any sign of disorientation. I think she can find her way.

Went into town to the Palace takeaway for some hamburgers for dinner. The palace is not that salubrious, being a temporary building on the harbor front, but I was told by the car rental person that they have the best burgers in town (she probably owns the place). There has been a big crowd of people there every time we have passed the place which is usually a good sign. The sun set over the harbor as we waited and Ben stayed in the car still not feeling well. We took the feed home as it was dark by the time our order was ready. The burgers were OK.  Everyone is a bit worn out by the days events and there were no protests about bed time.

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