Tuesday, January 22, 2013


My turn to be crook in the night with the gastro finally catching up on me. The wind did not come to much, due to our position on the island we were pretty sheltered. We went around to Koru café for breakfast. Once again Andrew and Diedre came in as we were finishing up. I stopped in the Café and chatted to them while Di and the kids went beachcombing.

Quiet afternoon at the house. Richard and Rema called around to check the property I guess and see if we were ok following the blow. Sophie and I went off on the bike to get fish and chips for dinner and a DVD. There was no fish and we were instructed by the family about not getting chicken, so it ended up being just the chips for dinner. Sophie ran from the fish and chip place home, about 7km. I was a bit uneasy about her running on her own for some reason so I dropped the dinner home then went back to ride beside her while she ran. Unfortunaelty the TV was playing up so we watched the DVD on the computer, which was still pretty exciting, as we haven’t seen anything on the screen for quiet a few days. A nice steinlager to help settle the upset gut was just what the doctor ordered.

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